Women's Division 3 Soccer : Champions : Schools : Streaks : Series records : Most frequent matchups

  SCHOOL                                   GAMES   WINS  LOSSES
  Adrian                                      3      1      2
  Agnes Scott                                 1      0      1
  Albion                                      7      3      4
  Alfred                                      1      0      1
  Allegheny                                   5      0      5
  Alma                                        1      0      1
  Amherst                                    61     39     22
  Arcadia                                     8      1      7
  Augsburg                                    6      3      3
  Augustana (IL)                             10      3      7
  Aurora                                     13      2     11
  Austin                                      2      0      2
  Averett                                     1      0      1
  Babson                                      2      0      2
  Bates                                       7      3      4
  Bay Path                                    1      0      1
  Beloit                                      1      0      1
  Binghamton                                  3      0      3
  Bowdoin                                    19      6     13
  Brandeis                                   22     12      9
  Bridgewater (VA)                            1      0      1
  Bridgewater State                           5      1      4
  Brooklyn                                    2      0      2
  Bryn Athyn                                  2      0      2
  Buffalo State                               1      0      1
  Cabrini                                    10      0     10
  Cairn                                       1      0      1
  California-San Diego                       47     38      9
  California-Santa Cruz                      17      4     13
  California Lutheran                        29     12     16
  Calvin                                     33     18     15
  Capital                                    15      7      8
  Carleton                                   10      5      5
  Carnegie Mellon                            30     19     11
  Carroll (WI)                                6      0      6
  Carthage                                    3      1      2
  Case Western Reserve                       16     10      6
  Castleton State                             5      0      5
  Catholic                                    6      2      4
  Centenary (NJ)                              2      0      2
  Centre                                     27     15     12
  Chapman                                    12      4      8
  Chatham                                     1      0      1
  Chestnut Hill                               2      0      2
  Chicago                                    62     40     22
  Christopher Newport                        40     25     15
  City College of New York                    1      0      1
  Claremont-Mudd-Scripps                     14      6      8
  Clark (MA)                                  1      0      1
  Clarks Summit                               1      0      1
  Colby                                       8      5      3
  Colby-Sawyer                                4      0      4
  Concordia-Moorhead                         14      7      7
  Concordia (WI)                              3      0      3
  Connecticut College                         9      4      5
  Covenant                                    1      0      1
  Curry                                       2      0      2
  Dallas                                      3      0      3
  DePauw                                     17      8      9
  DeSales                                     1      0      1
  Denison                                    34     16     18
  Dickinson                                   9      6      3
  Dominican (IL)                              4      1      3
  Drew                                        2      0      2
  Dubuque                                     2      0      2
  Eastern                                     9      5      4
  Eastern Connecticut State                   8      2      6
  Edgewood                                    4      0      4
  Elizabethtown                              16      9      7
  Elmira                                      2      1      1
  Elms                                        2      0      2
  Emerson                                     1      0      1
  Emmanuel (MA)                               3      0      3
  Emory                                      50     28     22
  Endicott                                   18      7     11
  Fontbonne                                   1      0      1
  Framingham State                            3      0      3
  Franklin                                    1      0      1
  Franklin & Marshall                         3      1      2
  Frostburg State                            10      2      7
  Gettysburg                                 10      2      8
  Gordon                                      2      0      2
  Greensboro                                  2      0      2
  Greenville                                  2      0      2
  Grinnell                                    6      1      5
  Grove City                                  9      2      7
  Gustavus Adolphus                          10      3      7
  Gwynedd-Mercy                               1      0      1
  Hamilton                                   11      6      5
  Hanover                                     9      2      7
  Hardin-Simmons                             56     35     20
  Hartwick                                    7      2      5
  Haverford                                   5      1      4
  Heidelberg                                  3      1      2
  Hope                                       13      5      8
  Husson                                      7      1      6
  Illinois Tech                               3      2      1
  Illinois Wesleyan                          27     14     13
  Ithaca                                     73     45     28
  John Carroll                                5      3      2
  John Jay                                    4      0      4
  Johns Hopkins                              64     43     21
  Johnson & Wales (RI)                        6      0      6
  Kalamazoo                                   9      3      6
  Kean                                        6      0      6
  Keene State                                 8      3      5
  Kenyon                                      4      2      2
  Keuka                                       5      1      4
  Knox                                        3      0      3
  Lake Forest                                 5      1      4
  Lakeland                                    2      0      2
  Lancaster Bible                             2      0      2
  Lasell                                      9      1      8
  Lawrence                                    5      1      4
  Lebanon Valley                              1      0      1
  Lesley                                      9      0      9
  Loras                                      42     24     18
  Luther                                      2      1      1
  Lynchburg                                  53     33     20
  Macalester                                 34     20     14
  Maine-Farmington                            3      1      2
  Maine Maritime                              3      0      3
  Manchester                                  2      0      2
  Manhattanville                              2      0      2
  Mary Hardin-Baylor                          3      0      3
  Mary Washington                            29     15     14
  Marymount (VA)                              1      0      1
  Maryville (MO)                              1      0      1
  Maryville (TN)                             14      2     12
  Marywood                                    4      0      4
  Massachusetts-Boston                        2      0      2
  Massachusetts-Dartmouth                     7      4      3
  Massachusetts Institute of Technology      27     14     13
  McDaniel                                   11      5      6
  Meredith                                    2      0      2
  Messiah                                   104     86     18
  Methodist                                  24     11     13
  Middlebury                                 38     25     13
  Milwaukee School of Engineering             5      1      4
  Minnesota-Morris                            1      0      1
  Misericordia                               37     21     16
  Mitchell                                    1      0      1
  Monmouth (IL)                               1      0      1
  Montclair State                            19     10      9
  Moravian                                    4      1      3
  Mount Holyoke                               1      0      1
  Mount Saint Vincent                         1      0      1
  Mount St. Joseph                            9      1      8
  Mount Union                                 1      0      1
  Muhlenberg                                  7      3      4
  Nazareth (NY)                              22      9     13
  New York University                        11      6      5
  Nichols                                     1      0      1
  North Carolina Wesleyan                    17      7     10
  North Central (IL)                          2      0      2
  Northwestern-St. Paul                       1      0      1
  Northwestern (MN)                           1      0      1
  Norwich                                     1      0      1
  Notre Dame (MD)                             4      0      4
  Occidental                                  1      0      1
  Ohio Northern                              18     10      8
  Ohio Wesleyan                              24     16      8
  Olivet                                      1      0      1
  Otterbein                                  18     11      7
  Pacific Lutheran                           10      3      6
  Penn State-Altoona                          2      0      2
  Penn State-Behrend                         14      0     14
  Penn State-Berks                           11      2      9
  Penn State-Harrisburg                       2      0      2
  Piedmont                                    6      0      6
  Pitt-Greensburg                             2      0      2
  Plymouth State                             23     13     10
  Pomona-Pitzer                              19     11      8
  Principia                                   4      0      4
  Puget Sound                                38     20     18
  Randolph-Macon                              7      3      4
  Redlands                                   10      5      5
  Rhodes                                      2      0      2
  Richard Stockton                           13      5      8
  Roanoke                                     4      1      3
  Rochester                                  48     29     19
  Rochester Institute of Technology           9      4      5
  Roger Williams                             11      4      7
  Rose-Hulman                                 3      0      3
  Rowan                                      28     11     17
  SUNY Brockport                              2      0      2
  SUNY Cortland                              29     15     14
  SUNY Delhi                                  1      0      1
  SUNY Farmingdale                           15      1     14
  SUNY Geneseo                               18      6     11
  SUNY New Paltz                              4      2      2
  SUNY Oneonta                               32     18     14
  SUNY Plattsburgh                            3      0      3
  Salem College                               1      0      1
  Salem State                                 7      1      6
  Salisbury                                   6      2      4
  Sarah Lawrence                              1      0      1
  Savannah College of Art and Design          3      0      3
  Scranton                                   40     17     23
  Sewanee                                     5      1      4
  Shenandoah                                  1      0      1
  Simmons                                     2      0      2
  Simpson                                     6      3      3
  Skidmore                                    8      1      7
  Smith                                       2      1      1
  Southern Maine                              4      1      3
  Southern Virginia                           1      0      1
  Southwestern (TX)                           1      0      1
  Spalding                                    1      0      1
  Springfield                                13      4      9
  St. Benedict                               12      5      7
  St. Catherine                               6      1      5
  St. Joseph's (Long Island)                  1      0      1
  St. Joseph's (ME)                           1      0      1
  St. Lawrence                                4      1      3
  St. Mary's (MD)                             2      0      2
  St. Mary's (MN)                             9      2      7
  St. Norbert                                 1      0      1
  St. Scholastica                            11      1     10
  St. Thomas (MN)                            26     13     13
  Staten Island                               4      0      4
  Stevens Institute                          26     13     13
  Stevenson                                   8      4      4
  Susquehanna                                 2      0      2
  Swarthmore                                 15      7      7
  Texas-Dallas                                3      1      2
  Texas-Tyler                                 2      0      2
  The College of New Jersey                 105     76     28
  Thomas More                                18     10      8
  Transylvania                                5      0      5
  Trine                                       1      0      1
  Trinity (CT)                                6      2      3
  Trinity (TX)                               71     42     29
  Tufts                                      33     22     11
  Union (NY)                                 15      5     10
  University of New England                   3      0      3
  Utica                                       1      0      1
  Vassar                                      3      1      2
  Virginia Wesleyan                          32     17     15
  Wartburg                                   18      8     10
  Washington-St. Louis                       85     64     21
  Washington & Jefferson                      4      1      3
  Washington & Lee                           17      8      9
  Webster                                    16      2     14
  Wellesley                                   6      4      2
  Wentworth Institute of Technology           2      1      1
  Wesleyan (CT)                              10      6      4
  Western Connecticut State                  24      9     15
  Western New England                         6      1      5
  Westfield State                            12      2     10
  Westminster (MO)                            2      0      2
  Westminster (PA)                            9      3      6
  Wheaton (IL)                               79     59     20
  Wheaton (MA)                               31     18     13
  Whittier                                    2      0      2
  Whitworth                                   2      1      1
  Wilkes                                      3      1      2
  Willamette                                 13      8      5
  William Paterson                            4      1      3
  William Penn                                2      1      1
  William Smith                             109     77     32
  Williams                                   76     56     20
  Wilmington (OH)                            11      5      6
  Wisconsin-Eau Claire                        8      4      4
  Wisconsin-La Crosse                        20     13      7
  Wisconsin-Oshkosh                           6      1      5
  Wisconsin-Stevens Point                    33     17     16
  Wisconsin-Superior                          4      0      4
  Wisconsin-Whitewater                       17      9      8
  Wittenberg                                 13      5      8
  Wooster                                     5      1      4
  Worcester Polytechnic Institute             1      0      0
  Worcester State                            11      3      8
  York (PA)                                   7      3      4
Last updated: December 10, 2024
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