NCAA Men's Basketball Series Records - Winner Discrepancies
Below are with a different winner in each team's media guide. Below are screenshots
from the media guides. The game in dispute is highlighted in yellow. If the teams played
other games that season that match-up, they are highlighted in green.
1913: Iowa State vs. Missouri
1913: Kansas State vs. Missouri
1914: Georgetown vs. Seton Hall
1914: Georgia Tech vs. Vanderbilt
1916: California vs. Oregon State
1924: Baylor vs. Texas A&M
1929: Southern California vs. Stanford
1930: Nebraska vs. West Virginia
1933: Iowa State vs. Nebraska
1936: Baylor vs. Texas A&M
1936: California vs. Stanford
1937: Arkansas vs. Baylor
1939: St. John's (NY) vs. Villanova
1941: Georgia vs. Vanderbilt
1961: Georgetown vs. Mississippi
1963: Georgetown vs. Mississippi
1972: Baylor vs. Texas Christian