Division 2 Baseball : Champions : Schools : Streaks : Series records : Most frequent matchups

  SCHOOL                                   GAMES   WINS  LOSSES
  Abilene Christian                          35     15     20
  Adelphi                                    63     29     33
  Akron                                       1      0      1
  Alabama-Huntsville                         25     11     14
  Alabama State                               1      0      1
  Albany State                                9      0      9
  Alderson-Broaddus                           2      0      2
  American InterContinental                   5      3      2
  Angelo State                               81     52     29
  Arkansas-Fort Smith                         4      2      2
  Arkansas-Monticello                        19      9     10
  Arkansas State                              4      2      2
  Arkansas Tech                              10      2      8
  Armstrong State                            46     16     30
  Ashland                                    85     40     45
  Assumption                                  7      1      6
  Auburn-Montgomery                           3      1      2
  Augusta State                               3      0      3
  Augustana (SD)                             38     22     16
  Azusa Pacific                              30     15     15
  Baltimore                                   1      0      1
  Barry                                      18     10      8
  Bellarmine                                 22      7     13
  Belmont Abbey                              29     14     15
  Bloomsburg                                 14      6      8
  Brandeis                                    1      0      0
  Bridgeport                                  3      1      2
  Bryant                                     26     13     13
  C.W. Post                                  21      5     13
  Caldwell                                   10      4      6
  California-Davis                           26     13     12
  California-Irvine                          14     10      4
  California-Riverside                       44     27     17
  California-San Diego                       64     40     24
  California (PA)                             9      2      6
  California Baptist                         19      9     10
  California Polytechnic                     31     21     10
  California Polytechnic Pomona              75     44     31
  California State Chico                     93     57     36
  California State Dominguez Hills           17      6     11
  California State East Bay                   4      1      3
  California State Fullerton                  1      0      1
  California State Los Angeles               19     10      9
  California State Monterey Bay              27     12     15
  California State Northridge                46     27     17
  California State San Bernardino            10      8      2
  California State San Marcos                 2      0      2
  California State Stanislaus                 2      0      2
  Carson-Newman                              14      5      9
  Catawba                                    68     39     29
  Central Connecticut State                   2      1      1
  Central Florida                             1      0      1
  Central Michigan                            5      3      2
  Central Missouri                          188    121     67
  Central Oklahoma                           45     22     23
  Chapman                                    15      6      4
  Charleston (WV)                            22      9     13
  Chowan                                      2      0      2
  Claflin                                     2      0      2
  Cleveland State                             1      0      1
  Coker                                       6      3      3
  Colorado-Colorado Springs                   2      0      2
  Colorado Mesa                              97     48     49
  Colorado Mines                              7      3      4
  Colorado State-Pueblo                      31     11     19
  Columbus State                            114     65     47
  Concord                                    11      1     10
  Concordia-St. Paul                          2      0      2
  Concordia (NY)                             13      5      8
  Davenport                                   8      4      4
  Delta State                               153     87     63
  Dominican (NY)                             14      4     10
  Dowling                                    37     14     23
  Drury                                      22     10     12
  East Stroudsburg                           26     12     14
  Eastern Illinois                           17      9      7
  Eckerd                                     19      6     11
  Edinboro                                    3      1      2
  Elon                                        4      2      2
  Embry-Riddle                                9      4      5
  Emporia State                              52     24     28
  Erskine                                     5      1      4
  Evansville                                  2      0      2
  Felician                                   15      5     10
  Ferris State                                2      0      2
  Florida Atlantic                            6      1      5
  Florida Gulf Coast                          7      3      4
  Florida International                       8      2      5
  Florida Southern                          196    123     72
  Florida Tech                               18      6     12
  Fort Hays State                            24     12     12
  Francis Marion                             34     17     17
  Franklin Pierce                            89     47     42
  Frostburg State                             2      0      2
  Gannon                                      5      1      4
  Gardner-Webb                                5      3      2
  Georgia College & State                    62     32     30
  Georgia Southwestern                        2      0      2
  Goldey-Beacom                              12      6      6
  Grand Canyon                               13      6      7
  Grand Valley State                         85     46     39
  Harding                                     6      2      4
  Hawaii Pacific                              4      2      2
  Henderson State                            15      9      6
  Hillsdale                                   4      0      4
  Illinois-Springfield                       23     12     11
  Illinois State                              6      4      2
  Incarnate Word                             15      7      8
  Indiana (PA)                               16      9      7
  Indianapolis                               61     30     30
  Ithaca                                     10      4      6
  Jacksonville                                1      0      1
  Jacksonville State                         52     30     22
  James Madison                               1      1      0
  Jefferson                                   3      1      2
  Kennesaw State                             56     36     20
  Kentucky Wesleyan                           7      3      4
  Kutztown                                   61     32     29
  Lake Erie                                   3      1      2
  Lander                                     19     12      7
  Le Moyne                                   48     22     25
  Lee (TN)                                   12      6      6
  Lenoir-Rhyne                                7      3      4
  Lewis                                      65     36     29
  Lincoln Memorial                           12      4      8
  Lindenwood                                 10      6      4
  Long Island                                 3      1      2
  Longwood                                   20      8     12
  Louisiana Tech                              1      1      0
  Lubbock Christian                          17      7     10
  Luther                                      2      0      2
  Lynchburg                                   1      0      1
  Lynn                                       21     11     10
  Mansfield                                  38     21     17
  Marietta                                    9      5      3
  Maryland-Baltimore County                   5      0      5
  Maryville (MO)                              8      4      4
  Maryville (TN)                              1      0      1
  Massachusetts-Lowell                       64     28     36
  Massachusetts Institute of Technology       1      0      1
  Mercyhurst                                 65     32     33
  Merrimack                                  10      2      8
  Metro State-Denver                          4      0      4
  Middle Tennessee State                      1      1      0
  Miles                                       2      0      2
  Millersville                               68     39     29
  Minnesota-Duluth                            4      0      4
  Minnesota State-Mankato                   139     64     71
  Mississippi College                         5      3      2
  Missouri-St. Louis                         37     15     20
  Missouri Science & Technology              10      5      5
  Missouri Southern State                    35     16     19
  Missouri State                             18      7     11
  Missouri Western State                      9      1      8
  Molloy                                     20     11      9
  Montana State-Billings                      2      0      2
  Montclair State                             6      3      2
  Montevallo                                 18     10      8
  Morningside                                 2      0      2
  Mount Olive                                74     35     39
  Nebraska-Kearney                           13      5      8
  Nebraska-Omaha                             31     14     15
  Nebraska Wesleyan                           1      0      1
  New Haven                                 127     67     59
  New Mexico Highlands                       17      5     12
  New Orleans                                 8      5      2
  New York Institute of Technology            9      5      4
  Newberry                                    6      2      4
  Nicholls State                              9      3      5
  Norfolk State                               7      1      6
  North Alabama                              37     14     23
  North Carolina-Pembroke                    20      6     14
  North Central (IL)                          1      0      1
  North Dakota                                8      3      5
  North Dakota State                          1      0      0
  North Florida                              46     25     21
  North Georgia                              13      7      6
  North Greenville                           36     20     16
  Northeastern State                          3      1      2
  Northern Colorado                           8      2      4
  Northern Iowa                               2      0      2
  Northern Kentucky                          36     12     23
  Northwest Missouri State                   15      3     10
  Northwest Nazarene                         12      5      7
  Northwood (MI)                             22      8     14
  Nova Southeastern                          36     21     15
  Ohio Dominican                              6      4      2
  Ohio Northern                               3      1      2
  Ohio Valley                                 3      1      2
  Oklahoma Baptist                            6      2      4
  Old Dominion                                2      1      1
  Ouachita Baptist                           17      9      8
  Pace                                        9      2      7
  Pfeiffer                                    3      1      2
  Philadelphia                                7      3      4
  Pitt-Johnstown                              6      2      4
  Pittsburg State                            14      4     10
  Point Loma Nazarene                        31     17     14
  Portland State                              2      0      1
  Post                                        2      0      2
  Presbyterian                                4      0      4
  Puget Sound                                 7      1      6
  Queens (NY)                                 5      1      4
  Quincy                                     48     22     26
  Quinnipiac                                 10      3      6
  Randolph-Macon                              1      0      1
  Regis (CO)                                  8      2      6
  Rockhurst                                  25     13     12
  Rogers State                                4      2      2
  Rollins                                    58     33     24
  Rowan                                       1      0      1
  Sacramento State                           29     13     15
  Sacred Heart                               15      6      8
  Saginaw Valley State                       17      6     11
  Sam Houston State                          10      4      6
  San Diego                                   9      4      5
  San Francisco State                        14      4     10
  Savannah State                              4      0      4
  Seattle Pacific                             2      0      1
  Seton Hill                                 59     31     28
  Shepherd                                   27      9     18
  Shippensburg                               76     32     44
  Shorter                                     2      0      2
  Siena                                       1      0      1
  Slippery Rock                              52     24     28
  Sonoma State                               54     27     27
  South Carolina Aiken                       42     20     22
  South Dakota State                         23      7     16
  Southeast Missouri State                    7      3      3
  Southeastern Louisiana                      7      3      3
  Southeastern Oklahoma State                18     11      7
  Southern                                    1      0      0
  Southern Arkansas                          61     32     29
  Southern Connecticut State                 34     17     17
  Southern Illinois-Edwardsville             72     34     37
  Southern Indiana                           63     37     26
  Southern New Hampshire                     77     48     29
  Southwest Minnesota State                   3      1      2
  Southwestern Oklahoma State                 3      1      2
  Spring Hill                                 7      1      6
  Springfield                                24      6     15
  St. Anselm                                  5      1      4
  St. Cloud State                            44     21     22
  St. Edward's                               36     15     21
  St. Joseph's                                4      2      2
  St. Joseph's (IN)                          35     15     20
  St. Leo                                    20      6     13
  St. Mary's (TX)                            35     20     15
  St. Rose                                   12      4      8
  St. Thomas Aquinas                         34     20     14
  Stetson                                     1      0      1
  Stillman                                   17      3     14
  Stonehill                                  11      5      6
  Tampa                                     218    150     68
  Tarleton State                             10      2      8
  Tennessee-Chattanooga                       1      0      1
  Tennessee-Martin                            4      1      3
  Texas-Permian Basin                         5      1      4
  Texas-Tyler                                 4      2      2
  Texas A&M-Kingsville                       32     15     17
  Texas Wesleyan                              3      1      2
  Tiffin                                      4      2      2
  Towson                                      1      0      1
  Trevecca Nazarene                          10      5      5
  Troy                                       54     34     20
  Truman                                      6      4      2
  Tusculum                                   24      9     15
  Tuskegee                                    3      0      3
  Union (TN)                                  2      0      2
  Upsala                                      2      0      2
  Utah Tech                                  21      9     12
  Valdosta State                             78     36     40
  Valparaiso                                  4      1      3
  Virginia State                              2      0      2
  Walsh                                       3      1      2
  Washburn                                    2      0      2
  Wayne State (MI)                           33     13     20
  Wayne State (NE)                           21      7     14
  West Alabama                               31     14     17
  West Chester                               84     48     36
  West Florida                               44     25     19
  West Georgia                               20      9      9
  West Liberty                                3      1      2
  West Texas A&M                             26      8     18
  West Virginia State                        49     21     28
  West Virginia Wesleyan                      2      0      2
  Western Illinois                            3      1      1
  Western Oregon                             27      7     20
  Westfield State                             1      1      0
  William Jewell                              3      1      2
  Wilmington (DE)                            35     14     21
  Wingate                                    35     16     19
  Winona State                               21      9     12
  Winston-Salem State                        20      8     12
  Wisconsin-Parkside                          8      4      4
  Wittenberg                                  1      0      1
  Wright State                               16      7      7
  Young Harris                               10      4      6
  Youngstown State                            1      0      1
Last updated: June 9, 2024
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