NCAA Men's Basketball : Series Records : Penn State vs. D1 teams (all games) - pick an opponent



BucknellBucknell 105 79 26 53 75.2 55.4 45.7 1897/??/??(L) 2023/12/02(L)
CornellCornell 14 9 5 4 64.3 57.2 49.9 1898/??/??(W) 2021/11/22(W)
PennsylvaniaPennsylvania 50 20 30 -10 40.0 44.2 44.5 1901/02/09(W) 2024/12/29(W)
LehighLehigh 43 32 11 21 74.4 56.3 44.7 1902/02/21(W) 2023/11/10(W)
Indiana StateIndiana State 3 2 1 1 66.7 46.7 45.7 1903/02/13(L) 1981/12/02(W)
PittsburghPittsburgh 148 76 72 4 51.4 49.3 48.3 1906/03/05(W) 2017/11/20(W)
West VirginiaWest Virginia 119 53 66 -13 44.5 61.5 63.1 1906/03/06(L) 1991/01/31(W)
ArmyArmy 41 24 17 7 58.5 49.1 46.2 1907/02/15(L) 2012/12/08(W)
FordhamFordham 6 4 2 2 66.7 51.2 43.5 1907/02/16(L) 2024/11/25(W)
DelawareDelaware 10 10 0 10 100.0 63.5 51.5 1908/02/13(W) 1980/01/14(W)
George WashingtonGeorge Washington 34 22 12 10 64.7 71.7 65.1 1908/02/18(W) 2017/12/09(W)
ManhattanManhattan 4 3 1 2 75.0 38.2 35.2 1908/02/27(W) 1999/12/28(W)
GeorgetownGeorgetown 43 23 20 3 53.5 51.0 49.9 1908/12/16(L) 2019/11/14(W)
ColumbiaColumbia 9 5 4 1 55.6 58.1 53.7 1909/12/17(L) 2017/11/17(W)
St. John's (NY)St. John's (NY) 3 2 1 1 66.7 66.0 61.0 1911/12/15(L) 2016/12/18(W)
William & MaryWilliam & Mary 2 1 1 0 50.0 42.0 36.0 1914/03/07(L) 2008/11/14(W)
NavyNavy 57 27 30 -3 47.4 52.8 54.5 1915/02/20(L) 1985/12/04(L)
LafayetteLafayette 17 13 4 9 76.5 49.6 38.9 1916/01/08(W) 2022/11/25(W)
DartmouthDartmouth 4 3 1 2 75.0 56.0 45.5 1917/01/04(W) 2014/12/22(W)
SyracuseSyracuse 106 44 62 -18 41.5 55.4 57.9 1917/01/06(W) 2019/11/29(W)
ColgateColgate 76 52 24 28 68.4 62.2 54.7 1918/02/01(W) 2018/12/08(W)
Virginia TechVirginia Tech 12 5 7 -2 41.7 64.5 64.1 1921/02/12(L) 2024/11/15(W)
BuffaloBuffalo 9 7 2 5 77.8 66.1 56.1 1921/02/26(W) 2024/12/01(W)
YaleYale 7 3 4 -1 42.9 58.6 58.3 1921/03/09(L) 2019/11/23(W)
RutgersRutgers 84 47 37 10 56.0 69.1 65.3 1922/02/24(L) 2025/01/20(W)
PrincetonPrinceton 12 8 4 4 66.7 56.1 52.8 1922/02/25(L) 2013/12/14(L)
CreightonCreighton 1 1 0 1 100.0 49.0 26.0 1922/03/04(W) 1922/03/04(W)
DuquesneDuquesne 49 29 20 9 59.2 66.6 64.6 1924/02/09(W) 2018/12/19(W)
Notre DameNotre Dame 5 4 1 3 80.0 59.2 56.0 1925/02/21(W) 2018/03/17(W)
Detroit MercyDetroit Mercy 5 3 2 1 60.0 55.8 60.4 1927/02/01(L) 1964/12/29(W)
TempleTemple 93 33 60 -27 35.5 53.9 56.0 1928/01/28(W) 2018/03/14(W)
NorthwesternNorthwestern 61 39 22 17 63.9 66.6 62.4 1928/12/31(L) 2025/01/02(W)
MichiganMichigan 57 17 40 -23 29.8 65.0 69.5 1929/01/01(L) 2025/01/27(L)
Michigan StateMichigan State 56 10 46 -36 17.9 60.7 72.1 1929/01/02(L) 2025/01/15(L)
Montana StateMontana State 1 0 1 -1 0.0 42.0 51.0 1930/01/07(L) 1930/01/07(L)
HarvardHarvard 2 1 1 0 50.0 41.5 46.5 1931/01/17(L) 1976/01/02(W)
AkronAkron 7 5 2 3 71.4 59.9 49.1 1937/12/30(L) 2014/11/25(W)
Kent StateKent State 16 13 3 10 81.2 64.4 57.6 1937/12/31(W) 2015/12/23(W)
MarylandMaryland 33 16 17 -1 48.5 66.7 66.9 1938/12/03(W) 2024/03/10(W)
DePaulDePaul 8 1 7 -6 12.5 59.9 72.2 1938/12/26(L) 2018/11/15(L)
ColoradoColorado 2 0 2 -2 0.0 48.0 50.0 1939/01/02(L) 2015/12/22(L)
AmericanAmerican 16 15 1 14 93.8 63.6 49.2 1941/01/31(W) 2009/12/21(W)
IllinoisIllinois 56 23 33 -10 41.1 64.7 70.5 1942/03/21(W) 2025/01/08(L)
MarshallMarshall 7 7 0 7 100.0 70.9 62.7 1944/12/14(W) 2014/12/06(W)
DukeDuke 10 1 9 -8 10.0 61.1 83.5 1949/12/28(W) 2016/11/19(L)
North Carolina StateNorth Carolina State 21 3 18 -15 14.3 61.6 73.7 1949/12/30(L) 2018/12/15(L)
Rhode IslandRhode Island 23 12 11 1 52.2 71.9 69.7 1950/12/15(W) 2009/03/19(W)
Ohio StateOhio State 67 22 45 -23 32.8 67.9 73.3 1950/12/30(W) 2025/01/30(L)
KentuckyKentucky 4 1 3 -2 25.0 58.2 79.8 1952/03/21(L) 2011/11/19(L)
Oklahoma StateOklahoma State 1 0 1 -1 0.0 61.0 68.0 1952/12/29(L) 1952/12/29(L)
Bowling GreenBowling Green 3 2 1 1 66.7 61.0 59.0 1952/12/30(W) 1993/01/02(L)
Western KentuckyWestern Kentucky 1 0 1 -1 0.0 78.0 91.0 1952/12/31(L) 1952/12/31(L)
ToledoToledo 6 5 1 4 83.3 69.2 60.3 1954/03/09(W) 1992/12/28(W)
Louisiana StateLouisiana State 2 1 1 0 50.0 70.5 69.0 1954/03/12(W) 2021/11/26(L)
La SalleLa Salle 5 2 3 -1 40.0 60.8 70.2 1954/03/19(L) 2013/11/19(W)
Southern CaliforniaSouthern California 2 2 0 2 100.0 66.5 61.0 1954/03/20(W) 2014/11/23(W)
MemphisMemphis 5 2 3 -1 40.0 60.4 62.6 1955/03/09(W) 1982/02/20(L)
IowaIowa 56 21 35 -14 37.5 69.0 74.6 1955/03/11(L) 2025/01/24(L)
Boston UniversityBoston University 3 1 2 -1 33.3 79.7 78.7 1956/02/04(W) 1984/01/23(L)
RichmondRichmond 5 5 0 5 100.0 66.2 58.6 1956/12/27(W) 1994/12/29(W)
PurduePurdue 61 14 47 -33 23.0 63.9 70.8 1959/12/05(L) 2024/12/05(W)
Wake ForestWake Forest 3 2 1 1 66.7 73.7 67.0 1960/12/10(L) 2019/12/04(W)
EvansvilleEvansville 1 1 0 1 100.0 75.0 74.0 1960/12/27(W) 1960/12/27(W)
DenverDenver 2 1 1 0 50.0 55.0 48.5 1960/12/28(L) 2007/12/15(W)
Holy CrossHoly Cross 2 1 1 0 50.0 69.5 65.5 1961/12/28(L) 1998/12/29(W)
NiagaraNiagara 4 2 2 0 50.0 80.8 77.2 1961/12/30(L) 1983/01/19(W)
Miami (OH)Miami (OH) 3 1 2 -1 33.3 73.7 75.7 1962/12/29(L) 1992/12/07(L)
Western MichiganWestern Michigan 1 1 0 1 100.0 97.0 92.0 1963/12/27(W) 1963/12/27(W)
KansasKansas 1 1 0 1 100.0 50.0 48.0 1964/12/11(W) 1964/12/11(W)
Kansas StateKansas State 2 1 1 0 50.0 59.5 71.0 1964/12/12(W) 1966/12/22(L)
HoustonHouston 1 1 0 1 100.0 59.0 57.0 1964/12/28(W) 1964/12/28(W)
AlabamaAlabama 6 2 4 -2 33.3 65.8 71.0 1965/12/29(W) 2019/12/14(W)
FloridaFlorida 3 2 1 1 66.7 61.7 65.3 1965/12/30(W) 2009/03/24(W)
San FranciscoSan Francisco 1 0 1 -1 0.0 77.0 89.0 1966/03/12(L) 1966/03/12(L)
North CarolinaNorth Carolina 5 1 4 -3 20.0 61.4 76.2 1966/12/03(L) 2002/11/18(L)
Oregon StateOregon State 2 1 1 0 50.0 60.5 54.5 1966/12/23(L) 2021/11/27(W)
GeorgiaGeorgia 3 1 2 -1 33.3 67.3 73.3 1966/12/29(L) 1998/03/24(W)
Boston CollegeBoston College 14 7 7 0 50.0 66.9 69.9 1967/12/26(L) 2015/12/02(W)
Seton HallSeton Hall 7 5 2 3 71.4 75.0 72.3 1970/01/07(W) 2020/12/06(L)
TennesseeTennessee 3 2 1 1 66.7 55.3 51.7 1971/12/17(L) 1996/12/07(W)
Colorado StateColorado State 2 1 1 0 50.0 65.5 63.0 1971/12/18(L) 2022/11/20(W)
ProvidenceProvidence 3 2 1 1 66.7 63.0 64.0 1971/12/27(L) 2012/11/16(W)
UtahUtah 2 2 0 2 100.0 81.0 67.5 1971/12/28(W) 2018/03/29(W)
VirginiaVirginia 8 3 5 -2 37.5 68.8 74.2 1972/02/16(W) 2009/11/30(W)
Florida StateFlorida State 4 1 3 -2 25.0 63.8 67.0 1972/12/27(L) 1988/12/17(L)
Texas A&MTexas A&M 6 1 5 -4 16.7 68.3 71.7 1972/12/28(L) 2023/11/23(L)
St. Francis (PA)St. Francis (PA) 13 11 2 9 84.6 78.3 65.4 1972/12/29(W) 2024/11/12(W)
SeattleSeattle 1 0 1 -1 0.0 60.0 62.0 1973/12/14(L) 1973/12/14(L)
CaliforniaCalifornia 3 0 3 -3 0.0 66.3 72.0 1973/12/27(L) 2001/12/29(L)
CincinnatiCincinnati 2 1 1 0 50.0 62.0 68.5 1973/12/28(W) 2016/11/20(L)
OhioOhio 2 0 2 -2 0.0 70.0 78.5 1974/02/26(L) 1975/03/04(L)
OregonOregon 2 0 2 -2 0.0 60.5 79.0 1974/12/06(L) 2025/01/12(L)
JacksonvilleJacksonville 1 1 0 1 100.0 75.0 73.0 1974/12/26(W) 1974/12/26(W)
MinnesotaMinnesota 60 19 41 -22 31.7 67.8 72.8 1975/12/26(L) 2025/02/04(L)
ButlerButler 5 2 3 -1 40.0 67.4 71.2 1975/12/27(L) 2023/11/24(L)
FairfieldFairfield 2 2 0 2 100.0 70.0 58.5 1976/02/28(W) 2010/11/19(W)
MassachusettsMassachusetts 24 13 11 2 54.2 66.4 66.2 1976/12/01(W) 2021/11/15(L)
MarquetteMarquette 6 3 3 0 50.0 65.0 71.5 1976/12/11(L) 2018/03/20(W)
South FloridaSouth Florida 5 2 3 -1 40.0 60.8 61.8 1976/12/18(L) 2011/11/20(W)
VillanovaVillanova 8 1 7 -6 12.5 61.4 72.0 1977/01/22(L) 1999/12/11(L)
LouisvilleLouisville 1 0 1 -1 0.0 58.0 89.0 1978/11/24(L) 1978/11/24(L)
IndianaIndiana 61 17 44 -27 27.9 67.5 74.5 1978/11/26(L) 2025/01/05(L)
VermontVermont 8 8 0 8 100.0 81.1 60.4 1978/12/03(W) 1995/11/27(W)
TulaneTulane 2 0 2 -2 0.0 55.0 58.5 1978/12/22(L) 2009/11/20(L)
Brigham YoungBrigham Young 4 3 1 2 75.0 71.8 58.2 1979/12/26(L) 1997/12/02(W)
IdahoIdaho 1 0 1 -1 0.0 46.0 50.0 1979/12/28(L) 1979/12/28(L)
Texas TechTexas Tech 2 1 1 0 50.0 54.0 56.5 1979/12/29(W) 1994/12/28(L)
St. BonaventureSt. Bonaventure 21 10 11 -1 47.6 71.8 66.6 1980/01/09(L) 1991/02/07(W)
Fairleigh DickinsonFairleigh Dickinson 2 2 0 2 100.0 70.5 54.5 1980/01/26(W) 2017/11/12(W)
Southern MethodistSouthern Methodist 3 2 1 1 66.7 65.3 59.3 1980/12/06(W) 1982/12/18(L)
NebraskaNebraska 27 14 13 1 51.9 65.6 67.7 1980/12/09(L) 2024/02/17(L)
East CarolinaEast Carolina 3 3 0 3 100.0 70.3 56.7 1980/12/13(W) 1986/12/30(W)
Tennessee TechTennessee Tech 1 1 0 1 100.0 69.0 46.0 1980/12/30(W) 1980/12/30(W)
RiderRider 6 4 2 2 66.7 75.3 66.2 1981/01/10(W) 2023/12/29(W)
NortheasternNortheastern 2 1 1 0 50.0 68.5 63.5 1981/01/24(L) 2002/12/14(W)
Loyola (MD)Loyola (MD) 7 6 1 5 85.7 82.4 64.0 1981/01/26(W) 2022/11/10(W)
New HampshireNew Hampshire 4 4 0 4 100.0 75.5 54.5 1981/02/01(W) 2012/12/23(W)
South CarolinaSouth Carolina 3 1 2 -1 33.3 63.0 68.0 1981/02/04(L) 2007/11/22(L)
DrexelDrexel 7 7 0 7 100.0 74.4 65.6 1981/02/14(W) 2024/12/21(W)
Robert MorrisRobert Morris 3 2 1 1 66.7 70.7 62.0 1981/02/25(L) 2009/11/16(W)
North Carolina-CharlotteNorth Carolina-Charlotte 3 0 3 -3 0.0 80.7 90.0 1981/12/05(L) 2014/11/20(L)
Texas ChristianTexas Christian 1 1 0 1 100.0 54.0 49.0 1981/12/29(W) 1981/12/29(W)
BradleyBradley 6 2 4 -2 33.3 56.2 60.3 1982/02/01(L) 2018/11/21(L)
Cleveland StateCleveland State 3 1 2 -1 33.3 72.0 80.0 1982/03/02(L) 2003/12/03(W)
St. Joseph'sSt. Joseph's 24 14 10 4 58.3 69.2 69.1 1982/12/14(W) 2011/11/26(L)
Iowa StateIowa State 1 1 0 1 100.0 81.0 76.0 1982/12/29(W) 1982/12/29(W)
Arizona StateArizona State 2 0 2 -2 0.0 67.5 73.0 1983/12/28(L) 1999/12/29(L)
New OrleansNew Orleans 1 0 1 -1 0.0 59.0 61.0 1984/12/28(L) 1984/12/28(L)
OklahomaOklahoma 2 0 2 -2 0.0 61.0 89.0 1985/12/06(L) 1987/12/01(L)
Morgan StateMorgan State 6 6 0 6 100.0 84.5 56.8 1985/12/14(W) 2016/12/21(W)
WagnerWagner 5 5 0 5 100.0 85.0 69.4 1985/12/21(W) 2021/12/08(W)
Long Beach StateLong Beach State 1 0 1 -1 0.0 45.0 47.0 1985/12/27(L) 1985/12/27(L)
ValparaisoValparaiso 2 1 1 0 50.0 54.0 54.5 1985/12/28(W) 2004/12/28(L)
Miami (FL)Miami (FL) 5 4 1 3 80.0 71.2 60.8 1986/11/29(W) 2021/12/01(L)
Louisiana-LafayetteLouisiana-Lafayette 1 0 1 -1 0.0 69.0 74.0 1987/12/29(L) 1987/12/29(L)
George MasonGeorge Mason 8 7 1 6 87.5 71.2 61.9 1988/11/26(W) 2017/12/17(W)
St. Mary's (CA)St. Mary's (CA) 1 0 1 -1 0.0 52.0 76.0 1988/12/09(L) 1988/12/09(L)
Texas-ArlingtonTexas-Arlington 1 1 0 1 100.0 67.0 63.0 1988/12/10(W) 1988/12/10(W)
Southern IllinoisSouthern Illinois 1 0 1 -1 0.0 78.0 80.0 1988/12/29(L) 1988/12/29(L)
GonzagaGonzaga 1 0 1 -1 0.0 63.0 71.0 1988/12/30(L) 1988/12/30(L)
Murray StateMurray State 1 1 0 1 100.0 89.0 73.0 1989/03/15(W) 1989/03/15(W)
Alabama-BirminghamAlabama-Birmingham 1 0 1 -1 0.0 57.0 80.0 1989/12/21(L) 1989/12/21(L)
Texas StateTexas State 1 1 0 1 100.0 62.0 37.0 1989/12/22(W) 1989/12/22(W)
ArizonaArizona 1 0 1 -1 0.0 55.0 74.0 1989/12/28(L) 1989/12/28(L)
VanderbiltVanderbilt 3 1 2 -1 33.3 72.3 77.0 1990/03/26(L) 1994/12/03(W)
New MexicoNew Mexico 2 1 1 0 50.0 73.0 81.5 1990/03/28(W) 2003/12/29(L)
Delaware StateDelaware State 5 5 0 5 100.0 74.2 58.0 1990/11/30(W) 2023/11/06(W)
BaylorBaylor 2 1 1 0 50.0 69.5 67.5 1990/12/01(L) 2009/04/02(W)
BrownBrown 2 2 0 2 100.0 80.0 59.5 1990/12/28(W) 1992/01/13(W)
UCLAUCLA 2 1 1 0 50.0 64.0 73.5 1991/03/15(W) 2025/02/08(L)
Eastern MichiganEastern Michigan 2 1 1 0 50.0 74.5 70.5 1991/03/17(L) 2015/12/05(W)
James MadisonJames Madison 3 1 2 -1 33.3 71.0 80.3 1992/01/08(L) 2001/12/19(L)
Maryland-Baltimore CountyMaryland-Baltimore County 5 5 0 5 100.0 81.8 56.8 1992/02/01(W) 2024/11/08(W)
Old DominionOld Dominion 2 2 0 2 100.0 77.5 65.0 1992/02/05(W) 1992/02/24(W)
Mount St. Mary'sMount St. Mary's 8 8 0 8 100.0 70.1 57.4 1992/12/05(W) 2013/12/22(W)
WisconsinWisconsin 56 12 44 -32 21.4 58.7 66.4 1993/01/30(L) 2024/01/16(W)
Maryland-Eastern ShoreMaryland-Eastern Shore 3 3 0 3 100.0 83.7 51.7 1993/12/20(W) 2019/11/05(W)
Bethune-CookmanBethune-Cookman 1 1 0 1 100.0 88.0 69.0 1993/12/22(W) 1993/12/22(W)
College of CharlestonCollege of Charleston 1 0 1 -1 0.0 65.0 71.0 1993/12/28(L) 1993/12/28(L)
Central Connecticut StateCentral Connecticut State 3 3 0 3 100.0 83.0 60.3 1994/12/10(W) 2019/12/20(W)
CanisiusCanisius 4 4 0 4 100.0 84.2 59.0 1995/03/29(W) 2022/12/18(W)
Virginia Military InstituteVirginia Military Institute 6 5 1 4 83.3 89.0 72.7 1995/11/30(W) 2020/11/28(W)
Tennessee-ChattanoogaTennessee-Chattanooga 2 2 0 2 100.0 77.0 55.5 1995/12/17(W) 1996/12/03(W)
Santa ClaraSanta Clara 1 1 0 1 100.0 70.0 49.0 1995/12/29(W) 1995/12/29(W)
ArkansasArkansas 1 0 1 -1 0.0 80.0 86.0 1996/03/14(L) 1996/03/14(L)
Monmouth (NJ)Monmouth (NJ) 2 2 0 2 100.0 78.5 47.0 1997/11/21(W) 2013/11/26(W)
Texas-El PasoTexas-El Paso 1 0 1 -1 0.0 60.0 79.0 1997/12/27(L) 1997/12/27(L)
Mississippi StateMississippi State 2 1 1 0 50.0 66.0 59.0 1997/12/28(L) 2018/03/27(W)
DaytonDayton 1 1 0 1 100.0 77.0 74.0 1998/03/16(W) 1998/03/16(W)
Georgia TechGeorgia Tech 5 3 2 1 60.0 76.2 74.4 1998/03/18(W) 2023/12/16(L)
Florida InternationalFlorida International 1 0 1 -1 0.0 67.0 85.0 1998/12/28(L) 1998/12/28(L)
ClemsonClemson 6 1 5 -4 16.7 78.3 84.2 1999/12/01(W) 2024/11/26(L)
SienaSiena 2 1 1 0 50.0 78.5 78.5 2000/03/20(W) 2014/03/24(L)
HofstraHofstra 1 1 0 1 100.0 74.0 71.0 2000/12/27(W) 2000/12/27(W)
Coppin StateCoppin State 3 3 0 3 100.0 84.3 47.7 2001/12/28(W) 2024/12/14(W)
Arkansas StateArkansas State 1 1 0 1 100.0 73.0 61.0 2003/12/28(W) 2003/12/28(W)
Illinois StateIllinois State 1 0 1 -1 0.0 73.0 82.0 2004/11/14(L) 2004/11/14(L)
Western CarolinaWestern Carolina 1 1 0 1 100.0 78.0 63.0 2004/11/15(W) 2004/11/15(W)
South Carolina StateSouth Carolina State 1 0 1 -1 0.0 43.0 63.0 2004/11/16(L) 2004/11/16(L)
Sacred HeartSacred Heart 3 3 0 3 100.0 76.3 67.0 2004/11/27(W) 2009/11/25(W)
Long IslandLong Island 4 4 0 4 100.0 75.8 58.2 2004/12/29(W) 2011/11/16(W)
Nicholls StateNicholls State 1 1 0 1 100.0 93.0 56.0 2005/11/23(W) 2005/11/23(W)
Missouri-Kansas CityMissouri-Kansas City 1 1 0 1 100.0 75.0 71.0 2005/12/07(W) 2005/12/07(W)
Morehead StateMorehead State 2 2 0 2 100.0 68.5 48.5 2006/11/10(W) 2023/11/17(W)
North Carolina-GreensboroNorth Carolina-Greensboro 1 1 0 1 100.0 69.0 56.0 2006/11/13(W) 2006/11/13(W)
Stony BrookStony Brook 1 0 1 -1 0.0 51.0 59.0 2006/11/17(L) 2006/11/17(L)
Southeastern LouisianaSoutheastern Louisiana 1 0 1 -1 0.0 66.0 69.0 2006/12/16(L) 2006/12/16(L)
MaineMaine 2 1 1 0 50.0 69.5 58.0 2006/12/23(W) 2010/12/21(L)
Central FloridaCentral Florida 1 0 1 -1 0.0 59.0 70.0 2007/11/25(L) 2007/11/25(L)
New Jersey Institute of TechnologyNew Jersey Institute of Technology 1 1 0 1 100.0 74.0 47.0 2008/11/17(W) 2008/11/17(W)
TowsonTowson 1 1 0 1 100.0 78.0 54.0 2008/11/29(W) 2008/11/29(W)
North Carolina-WilmingtonNorth Carolina-Wilmington 1 0 1 -1 0.0 69.0 80.0 2009/11/19(L) 2009/11/19(L)
DavidsonDavidson 1 1 0 1 100.0 59.0 57.0 2009/11/22(W) 2009/11/22(W)
Gardner-WebbGardner-Webb 1 1 0 1 100.0 104.0 57.0 2009/12/19(W) 2009/12/19(W)
MississippiMississippi 4 0 4 -4 0.0 72.2 77.2 2010/11/26(L) 2019/11/27(L)
FurmanFurman 2 2 0 2 100.0 71.5 58.5 2010/11/28(W) 2022/11/17(W)
RadfordRadford 2 1 1 0 50.0 68.0 66.0 2011/11/14(W) 2015/11/24(L)
Youngstown StateYoungstown State 2 2 0 2 100.0 78.5 65.0 2011/11/23(W) 2021/11/10(W)
LongwoodLongwood 1 1 0 1 100.0 93.0 67.0 2013/11/24(W) 2013/11/24(W)
HamptonHampton 1 1 0 1 100.0 69.0 65.0 2014/03/19(W) 2014/03/19(W)
Louisiana-MonroeLouisiana-Monroe 1 1 0 1 100.0 54.0 50.0 2015/12/12(W) 2015/12/12(W)
AlbanyAlbany 1 0 1 -1 0.0 81.0 87.0 2016/11/11(L) 2016/11/11(L)
Grand CanyonGrand Canyon 1 1 0 1 100.0 85.0 76.0 2016/11/15(W) 2016/11/15(W)
Wright StateWright State 2 2 0 2 100.0 74.5 54.5 2016/12/03(W) 2018/11/20(W)
CampbellCampbell 1 1 0 1 100.0 86.0 75.0 2017/11/10(W) 2017/11/10(W)
MontanaMontana 1 1 0 1 100.0 70.0 57.0 2017/11/15(W) 2017/11/15(W)
Oral RobertsOral Roberts 1 1 0 1 100.0 86.0 48.0 2017/11/24(W) 2017/11/24(W)
BinghamtonBinghamton 2 2 0 2 100.0 94.0 65.5 2017/12/19(W) 2024/11/04(W)
North FloridaNorth Florida 1 1 0 1 100.0 87.0 72.0 2018/11/09(W) 2018/11/09(W)
Jacksonville StateJacksonville State 1 1 0 1 100.0 76.0 61.0 2018/11/12(W) 2018/11/12(W)
Virginia CommonwealthVirginia Commonwealth 2 1 1 0 50.0 73.0 77.5 2020/12/02(W) 2023/11/26(L)
WinthropWinthrop 1 1 0 1 100.0 93.0 68.0 2022/11/07(W) 2022/11/07(W)
QuinnipiacQuinnipiac 1 1 0 1 100.0 77.0 68.0 2022/12/22(W) 2022/12/22(W)
TexasTexas 1 0 1 -1 0.0 66.0 71.0 2023/03/18(L) 2023/03/18(L)
Le MoyneLe Moyne 1 1 0 1 100.0 72.0 55.0 2023/12/21(W) 2023/12/21(W)
Purdue-Fort WaynePurdue-Fort Wayne 1 1 0 1 100.0 102.0 89.0 2024/11/20(W) 2024/11/20(W)
Last updated: February 11, 2025
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